Lower And Upper Eyelid Operations

Lower And Upper Eyelid Operations

üst göz kapağı estetiği
üst göz kapağı estetiği

Lower and upper eyelid operations are performed as part of eyelid procedures. The procedure is carried out surgically by removing sagging skin and excess muscle tissue in the area. These procedures are performed by specialist plastic surgeons who are experts in their fields and the operations eliminate undereye bags, dark circles and wrinkles.

Aging and the effect of gravity may lead to sagging of the upper and lower eyelids.

Besides aging the following symptoms may be apparent:

  1. Sagging skin on the eyelids,
  2. Color change,
  3. Creasing of skin,
  4. Loosening of skin.

Pollution, excessive alcohol use and smoking, irregular sleep, exposure to sunlight also have an impact on the aging process of the skin, which in turn can lead to an undesirable appearance. In this respect, aesthetic eyelid operations will help address these issues. With expert physicians and top

notch technology, Nose Doc Clinic helps you achieve the best results and get up to 10 years younger with eyelid surgery.

Who Can Undergo Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery?

There is a wide array of replies to the question “Who Can Undergo Eyelid Operations?”. Primarily, patients with the following complaints could prefer eyelid surgery.

  1. Patients with sagging skin on the upper or lower eyelid.
  2. Patients with eyelid complaints due to genetic reasons
  3. Patients with trauma due to accidents.
  4. Patients with infection.

Generally speaking, eyelid surgery is mostly preferred by patients aged 35 and above since signs of aging begin to gradually appear at this age. The surgery reduces the effects of aging and offers a desirable solution to the patients. The results of the surgery last for up to 8 years and tired expressions are replaced with a youthful, lively and rejuvenated face.

How Is Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery Performed?

Before the eyelid operation, the patients are examined physically, necessary tests are made and the medical history is noted. In this respect, any impeding factors for surgery are also ruled out.

If the patient has no condition impeding upper and lower eyelid surgery, the operation is scheduled. Use of medications like Aspirin and antibiotics must be ceased 15 days prior to the surgery, due to an increased risk of bleeding. Likewise, patients are requested to stop the consumption of cigarettes and tobacco products 2-3 weeks before the operation. Herbal supplements should also not be taken due to their unexpected effects.

For the upper eyelid surgery, an incision is made to remove the excess skin and muscle tissue. To prevent scars the incision is made over the crease line of the eyelid. The lower eyelid operation, on the other hand, is performed right under the eyelashes. The skin is lifted and the fat pockets are dispersed in the eye sockets. You can contact us for a simulation of the best possible outcomes after the eyelid surgery.

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